• Precision Cut Packaging Solutions

    Our automated die cutters use precisely designed dies, ensuring that your boxes meet the design specifications, regardless of whether it's the first or the millionth. We also have manual folding machines for those extra-large packaging requirements you may have.

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  • Competitive Pricing Without Compromising on Quality

    We produce our own cardboard as well as source excess cardboard from third-party sellers. Our competitive edge lies in our sorting facilities, which allow us to reuse a higher percentage of raw materials, passing on the savings to your business.

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  • Customized to Meet Your Requirements

    We've manufactured everything from corrugated cartons to pizza boxes to cake boxes and everything in between. We also offer printing options to further customize your packages.

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About Us

Unboxing the Packaging Industry

Boxit Holdings (Pvt) Ltd was born during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic and began operations as Sri Lanka was headed toward its worst economic collapse. As a result of these tumultuous years, the cost of raw materials has sky-rocketed and these increases are passed onto already burdened consumers.

Boxit was formed with a stated mission of producing high-quality packaging solutions at a lower cost point by reducing waste and using alternative materials.

We leverage access to large raw material vendors so that arbitrage techniques can be used to get the best price for cardboard. We then use our deep experience working with the raw material to significantly reduce the waste of a single production run.

While Boxit itself has only been in operation since late 2021, our founders have multiple decades of experience working in the packaging, information technology, and B2B insurance industries. Their deep cross-industry experience is a valuable asset in dealing with today's modern problems.

Radika S

"When I got the initial estimate of the work, I thought they'd quoted me for the lower quality cardboard but turns out they really are that much cheaper!"

Malithi P

"We've worked with Boxit for a few months, really appreciative how communicative they are. Especially with the country situation, that helps us a lot."

Ranjith S

"They really know how to make you feel valued. We've worked with much larger manufacturers, but they've never given the same attention to our needs."


What do our customers think?

We love hearing nice things after we do a good job! Give us a call and we'll introduce you to our customers, let them tell you how we save them money.